HEROFEST LARP Forage And its Game

Herofest-LARP is primarily about everyone having fun and we want to ensure that this is possible for everyone.

Characters can gain the skill of Forage. The skill will allow them to spend action points in the foraging game and, in turn, gain additional commodities for their Factions.

The Forage Skill

Provides the Character with the ability to participate in the foraging ‘game’; the details of which are found in the section below. Each rank of the skill allows for two actions per day of event, these actions do not roll-over between days or events.

Allows the Character to loot for non-common commodities

The Foraging game

Sources are spread throughout the playable area as symbols printed on A5 green paper. The symbols should be left in the location it is found.

The Player will need to physically locate a source and record the symbols that uniquely identify it. (There should be at least one source in an accessible location.)

At the bar in the Tavern, the forager can then resolve their forage action.

A source can be bountiful, and the player who first forages it will find additional commodities.

If a source has already been exhausted (a source may start exhausted), the action is spent, but no resources are received.

Forage Card Example